Information Retrieval Meeting 2022 – Call for abstracts

Information Retrieval Meeting 2022 – Call for abstracts

idw – Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Nachrichten, Termine, Experten


15.06.2021 15:37

Information Retrieval Meeting 2022 – Call for abstracts

Information Retrieval Meeting 2022 – Call for abstracts
Contributions to IQWiG’s first Information Retrieval Meeting can be submitted until 15 October 2021. Topic: Transition into the Digital Age

The systematic identification and retrieval of relevant studies and related documents is an important pillar of evidence-based medicine (EBM) and thus the basis for systematic reviews and health technology assessment (HTA) reports. In this context, information retrieval and management is increasingly characterized by electronic data processing and software-based procedures.
International HTA agencies are meeting the challenges posed by digitalization and automation of information retrieval in very different ways. Some have introduced complex systematic review management tools to facilitate daily work, while others use simple macros or online tools.
IQWiG’s first Information Retrieval Meeting (IRM) on 3-4 March 2022 will be dedicated to “Transition into the Digital Age” in information retrieval. IQWiG invites national and international experts working in this field to Cologne to discuss current developments and practical experiences with digitalization and automation.
Abstracts for this event can be submitted until October 15.

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Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
Journalisten, Wissenschaftler
Forschungs- / Wissenstransfer, Forschungsergebnisse

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Quelle: IDW